Back from the precipice Delta Epsilon

I shelved the Delta back in August 2012 after a disastrous first run through paint and subsequent stripping.I hadn't given it much thought since, until I caught up with a friend on Skype. 


Since talking with Appa about the kit I've suddenly felt reinvigorated at the prospect of finishing the kit. 

Here's what the Delta looked like just before it was shelved. However I've decided to roll back some of the modifications to an early version.

I'm going to eliminate the backpack, and revert the shoulders and waist armor. 

The Delta will look more like it's old self. However I intend to keep the Gundam looking face, Rezel arms and duel beam rifles.

I also intend to swap the 'White Woolf' color scheme for a primarily silver, gunmetal, grey and purple palate.  

I have a two commission kits arriving this week, hopefully after those I'll have time to devote to the Delta.
